Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende, es wird Zeit für die Computerspiele-Bestenlisten 2014. Immer wieder mit dabei ist Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall. Hier einige Stimmen:
Brilliant writing mixed with compelling characters and gameplay make Dragonfall stand out as a winner.
– User Comment, RPG Gamer
Dragonfall keeps the wonderful writing in the base Shadowrun Returns campaign, but it also rectifies a number of the game’s mechanical issues. If you skipped the original but are a fan of CRPGs, be sure to pick up this one.
– Hayden, PC World
Shadowrun: Dragonfall is what it needs to be.
– Colin McGowan, Kill Screen
I began playing one Saturday morning on a whim, and I did not stop until Sunday evening.
– Nathan Grayson, Kotaku