Den nächsten englischen Shadowrun-Roman gibt es bereits auf Amazon zu bestellen, noch ehe die digitale Fassung auf DriveThru veröffentlicht wurde. Shadowrun Crimson heißt das Werk aus der Feder von Kevin R. Czarnecki. Die Story spielt u.a. in den mit Insektengeister verseuchten Ruinen Chicagos.
Thanksgiving. 2070. Shadowrunning vampire Rick „Red“ Lang used to live in a world hunting infectious insectoid spirits and twisted mages, but now he’s awakened after eight years to find the world has gotten impossibly stranger. After being retrieved by agents of his long-time ally Needles, Rick embarks on a quest to piece together the events of his lost time, and find his place among the conflict that rages among ghouls and the eldritch forces that have begun to encroach from beyond our reality. He journeys through the neon-drenched ruins of a leveled Chicago and its augmented facades as he teams up with Pretty, a beautiful ghoul, and Slim, hacker extraordinaire, as they weave their way through the schemes and power plays of a dangerous new conflict that threatens to shatter the delicate balance between peace and an all-consuming chaos.
- Autor: Kevin R. Czarnecki
- Sprache: englisch
- Verlag: Catalyst Game Labs
- ISBN: 9781936876822
- Umfang: 276
- Preis: 9,71 $
- Format: Softcover
- Link: Shadowrun Crimson (englisch)