Nach der Enhanced Fiction Wolf & Buffalo und dem Setting-PDF über Butte wird die Reihe Shadows in Focus zur Sioux Nation mit Counting Coup fortgesetzt. Das PDF liefert ein Abenteuer passend zu den Hintergrundinformationen der anderen PDF der Reihe. Nachdem mittlerweile einiges an Material zur Sioux Nation erschienen ist, stellt sich natürlich die Frage, ob Pegasus Spiele das ganze vielleicht als Sammelband übersetzt. Bislang war dazu noch nichts konkretes zu hören.
Running Into Danger
Illegally entering the Sioux Nation is hard. So is crossing the Sioux National Police. Doing both? That will earn you a good payday or a bullet in the head. But that’s the job that’s been offered. And what shadowrunner worth their mettle can resist the chance to make some powerful friends and even more powerful enemies?
Mika, a shadowrunner active on JackPoint, is hiring, and players have a great chance to make a pile of nuyen while showing just how much skill they have. They’ll have to move fast, stay alert, and make sure they hit whatever they’re aiming at. Just like they always do.
Counting Coup is an adventure set in the Sioux Nation and part of the Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation series. It makes a great tie-in to that series, especially the Butte book, but it can also be used on its own. Counting Coup is compatible with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.
- Artikelnummer: E-CAT26S04
- Erscheinungsdatum: Oktober 2015
- Format: PDF
- Preis: 5,95 $ (5,24 €)
- Links: Sioux Nation: Counting Coup im Battleshop und auf Drive Thru RPG